Our mission is love…

We love Jesus.

We want to be close to Him and become more and more like Him.

  • Knowing Him
  • Worshipping Him
  • Obeying Him
  • Giving

We love His people.

We want to see them built up as a glorious Bride and prepare for His return.

  • Character
  • Relationships
  • Gifts
  • Discipleship
  • Hospitality
  • Marriage/Family
  • Ministry/Call on life

We love people who don’t know Jesus yet.

We have Good News for them and we want to get the word out by/through

  • Sharing the Gospel
  • Friendship Evangelism
  • Mercy Ministries
  • Church Planting
  • Oversees Mission Trips
  • Supporting Missions and Missionaries

As a local church, we are part of the larger body of Christ in Central Florida. We seek to pray for, encourage and work with other ministries to experience God’s revival and the harvesting of souls.